Monday, April 16, 2012

Strangest Best Picture Snubs

I don’t like to use the word “snub” when talking about movie awards, but it only has one syllable and I wanted to keep the title short, so... Anyway. A recent rewatch of Thelma & Louise reminded me that it was oddly missing from Oscar’s Best Picture lineup, despite being nominated for Director, Leading Actress x 2, Editing and Cinematography and winning for Original Screenplay. Since I'm a chronic time waster, I browsed through 80+ Wikipedia pages and made a top five list of, well, what it says in the title. I took into account not just the number of nominations, but the categories in which they were received: nods for directing, writing and acting are a must, which is why films like The Dark Knight or The Poseidon Adventure didn't make the list.

First, honorable mentions to two films I’m fond of that just missed the top five (again!):

Interiors (1978), one of my favorite Woody Allen movies, and Silkwood (1983), one of those rare biopics that's actually pretty great.

And now, the ones that made the cut:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"How do I look?"

I wonder if anyone else has ever had the brilliant idea to watch Cries & Whispers and The Man with Two Brains the same night... And if so, how did he/she ever top that double feature? Because personally, I suspect the combination of Ingmar Bergman and "Anne Uumellmahaye" is unbeatable.